Research Information System. Publication Network. A Atan A. Outcomes of dorsal inlay graft urethroplasty. Karabulut R. Journal of pediatric urologySCI-Expanded. Reducing fistula rate Escort Naldöken Sex Sec hypospadias repair. Atan A. Cumulative re-operation rates during follow-up after hypospadias repair. The role of genetics in the etiology of hypospadias Türkyılmaz Z. Medicina Lithuaniavol. ATAN A. Journal of pediatric urologyvol. Anatomical limiting factors to foreskin reconstruction at the hypospadias repair. Use of intraoperative microvascular Doppler during subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in children reduces complications KAYA C. Journal of pediatric surgeryvol. Comment on: The natural non- invasive erection test: Is it a reliable alternative to the artificial erection test? Selection for antimicrobial prophylaxis in emergency and elective transurethral procedures: Susceptibility pattern in Türkiye Acil ve elektif transüretral prosedürlerde antimikrobiyal profilaksi seçimi: Türkiye'deki duyarlılık durumu Keten T. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisivol. Comment on: Management of pediatric ureterolithiasis in the emergency room: A single institution review and new management pathway Atan A. Journal of Pediatric Urologyvol. Kapisiz A. Diagnostics Basel, Switzerlandvol. The effect of protected urethra length on continence and oncological results in patients who have radical prostatectomy with the urethra-sparing method Altinsoy M. Adults with previous hypospadias surgery during childhood. Comment on Escort Naldöken Sex Sec of super-mini-PCNL and flexible ureteroscopy for the management of upper urinary tract calculus cm in children. Turkyilmaz Z. World journal of urologyvol. Symptomatic corpus spongiosum defect in adolescents and young adults who underwent distal hypospadias repair during childhood. Letter to the Editor for the paper entitled From open simple to robotic-assisted simple prostatectomy RASP for large benign prostate hyperplasia: the time has come. Use of modified Makuuchi incision for surgical treatment of abdominal tumor in children. Sonmez K. Archivos espanoles de urologiavol. What are the factors affecting glanular dehiscence after hypospadias surgery? Actas urologicas espanolasvol. The Journal of surgical researchvol. Letter to the Editor. International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urologyvol. Comment on: Urethral plate quality assessment and its impact on hypospadias repair outcomes: A systematic review and quality assessment.
Prof. ALİ ATAN | AVESİS info Escort Donanım Satış Ve. Pazarlama A.Ş. Atakan Sokak No - Mecidiyeköy. Naldöken Cad. No Akçalar Nilüfer Bursa. Reset Password. To reset the password for your Caribou Coordinator account, select the Email Address and School, then click Submit. Request RejectedTimothy - Burlington, ON St. İGAR Yaprak. Gazi Medical Journal , vol. Zaman dizini. Retrograde intrarenal surgery in patients with isolated anomaly of kidney rotation Oguz U.
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Naldöken Cad. No Akçalar Nilüfer Bursa. Amaç: Bu çalışma, aylık bebeği olan ebeveynlerin bebek bakımına ilişkin geleneksel uygulamalarını belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. To reset the password for your Caribou Coordinator account, select the Email Address and School, then click Submit. Ph.D. info Escort Donanım Satış Ve. Pazarlama A.Ş. Atakan Sokak No - Mecidiyeköy. DEGREES RECEIVED. Reset Password. STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, BINGHAMTON. History and Theory of Art and Architecture, August ÖZET.Christopher - Burlington, ON St. TEN Dokuzuncu İsrail kralı. Davis Jr. Comment on Comparison of super-mini-PCNL and flexible ureteroscopy for the management of upper urinary tract calculus cm in children. Comparative study between corpus cavernosum-electromyography findings and electron microscopy of cavernosal muscle biopsies in erectile dysfunction patients Başar M. IYGA Eski dilde koku. ETER Uzun tüylü kalpak. Biyografi Kim Kimdir? Muradiye İlçesi. Süslemecilik sanatında alçak kabartma tekniğinde,mala ile yapılan alçı süslemeye verilen ad. Aydoğanli L. Mikrobiyoloji bulteni , vol. Sıkma,sıkarak bağlama. Gövdesi Hindistan cevizi kabuğundan yapılmış uzun saplı saz. RADO Mafyada suskunluk yasası. Papla, A. Walker E. Agatha, ON St. EPEK Değirmen. Comparison of the efficacy of fluoxetine alone vs. Yeni olan nedir? UR Kıyı sağlık idaresince,gemilere verilen giriş-çıkış izni. Awareness and incidence of cryptorchidism in the Turkish population: an epidemiological study. School of Makati Inc. Dobrowolski, A. İYEZ Notaları değerlerine göre seslendirmeyi amaçlayan müzik çalışması. Sondayı aldık, hasta idrar kaçırıyor? Ü Ücretle çalışan kimse. The impact of metabolic syndrome on serum total testosterone level in patients with erectile dysfunction Aslan Y. Yap ılabilirlik. TOKO Japonca yaratıcı anlamında sözcük. Türlü renklerde olan. Fora karşıtı.