Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. When Dr. Brandy Engler opened her sex therapy practice for women in Manhattan, she got a big surprise. Most of the calls were from men. They wanted to talk about womanizing, porn addiction, impotence, prostitutes-and most of all, love. Her patients were everyday guys from all walks of life. Among them were David, the Wall Street hotshot and compulsive womanizer; Charles, an introvert who kept pushing away the fiancée he thought was too beautiful for him; Paul, the self-made man who visited massage parlors despite his sexy wife; and the men's group whose stark revelations about male anger and their search for the right woman will open your eyes. Engler allows listeners inside those private sessions to witness her exciting and What Do Men Think About During Sex encounters with what men desire and fear. Engler tells her own story, too. At first her patients' revelations are painful and disconcerting, especially against the backdrop of her own difficult love affair. Yet Dr. Engler lets listeners experience how she evolves both professionally and personally, from chagrin to compassion, and reconciles her idealized notions of love and sex with the unexpected and raw truths she hears in the office. The Men on My Couch is unlike other relationship books. There are no tired facile conclusions or pejorative generalizations. Here are fresh insights into modern sexual maladies, gleaned from real people having real struggles and experiencing real epiphanies-in the real world. This book will change how both women and men think about love, sex, What Do Men Think About During Sex desire. Audio CD First published May 14, Loading interface About the author. Brandy Engler 2 books 61 followers. Brandy Engler is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in relationships and sexuality. After year of training and practice in New York City--including working with a crisis team on the streets of Brooklyn, and her own private practice in Times Square- she headed West in search of greener pastures. Los Angeles isn't quite green, it's a bit dustier than imagined, but Dr. Engler traded in her metro card for a car and is enjoying road trips across California, where she's discovered many pastures, lakes, and mountains and Engler has a private practice in Los Angeles and is currently finishing her second book. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Yes, it centers around therapy I'm a therapist. There's that. But it is spicy. It is real. It will make you think. It's more about why people do the things they do than it is about sex therapy It was also really interesting how the author was able to admit her initial gut responses to people when they disclosed things she didn't agree with, but then over time she came to realize why and viewed things very differently. I couldn't put it down. Laura B. If you enjoy authors whose favorite thing is to repeat compliments to themselves, this is the book for you! Here is a by no means comprehensive smattering: 1. You're pretty attractive," [David] said.
How Do Guys Feel When A Girl Hugs Them? Here's The Real Answer...
A new study pegs the ideal duration for intercourse at seven to 13 minutes - The Globe and Mail Numerous studies indicate that men (compared to women) tend to display relatively greater distress in response to sexual infidelity, whereas women (compared. Here's what guys REALLY think when a girl hugs them - You'll be surprised at how they actually feel deep inside their heart! The Men on My Couch: True Stories of Sex, Love and Psychotherapy by Brandy Engler | GoodreadsAuthor 3 books 11 followers. Este un mod de exprimare a propriului narcisism. Jump to ratings and reviews. Ben Casey ve Charles vakalarını fena bulmadım. You will learn that one stock broker's bravado is a front to his cynical, frightened resignation that he can't be loved without it.
Take a Break
Numerous studies indicate that men (compared to women) tend to display relatively greater distress in response to sexual infidelity, whereas women (compared. 11 yıl. Men's Health magazine is a great source of info for guys regarding the entire realm of our being. Here's what guys REALLY think when a girl hugs them - You'll be surprised at how they actually feel deep inside their heart! 3. Sexual Perversion; Difference btwn Men and Women in Sex - Louis CK - Live at Beacon Theater ().Okuması keyifliydi ama beklentimi karşıladığını söyleyemem. About the author. I was irritated that she could not give complete focus on the page to her work, which would have made me a happier reader; I found her personal story self-important and shoehorned into relevancy by analyzing her lovers. Skaistė Girtienė. Author 6 books 5 followers. At times she will shift voice to her breathless, swept-away romantic self to show an episode from her love life. Author 6 books 5 followers. Kolay anlaşılır, akıcı bir dille yazılmış. If we look into the humanity of why and how sex and sexual practices get conflated with fear, aggression and need for parenting or validation, we will have empathy for the suffering of men in our lives. While the subject matter is interesting, I couldn't stand this book. I reacted badly to these quips. Author 23 books followers. Non-subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way. When Dr. At first her patients' revelations are painful and disconcerting, especially against the backdrop of her own difficult love affair. Bu kafası çok karışık kitabı ve çeviriyi okuduğuma pek memnun değilim. Seriously though, the case studies are good, and my only issue is with the extent to which the main author interposes herself. Or if she did, she just glossed over it. Buna ek olarak noktalama da kendi içinde tutarsız. Or if she did, she just glossed over it. Here are fresh insights into modern sexual maladies, gleaned from real people having real struggles and experiencing real epiphanies—in the real world. Tüm ayrıntıları göster. Write a Review. Brandy is a practicing therapist, and by every indication from the book she is experienced and excellent at her work. I found this book to be a fascinating mix of psychological techniques applied to specific, detailed case studies; I've learned a lot from reading about how Brandy approaches every problem, every interaction - things that I can take away and even use in my own life. Bir çevirmenin belli tercihler yapması gerekir, bunu biliyorum. I was irritated that she could not give complete focus on the page to her work, which would have made me a happier reader; I found her personal story self-important and shoehorned into relevancy by analyzing her lovers. I would recommend this one to both men and women. The Men on My Couch is unlike other relationship books. If you enjoy authors whose favorite thing is to repeat compliments to themselves, this is the book for you! Çevirdiği diğer kitaplara ulaşmak için bile uzuuun uzun uğraşmak gerekiyor. It's interesting to anyone who likes to understand how other people think, or who sometimes wonders what others think love is. This should not be surprising. Unora poate sa le placa,altora nu,dar eu o recomand. Viceversa for vulnerability and emotional depth.