Duration of M. Distribution of marks between external and internal assessment is. Course Certificate shall not be issued to students unless they show progress during the year by their regularity of attendance, diligent application to class work, and securing the required percentage of marks in various tests. A student must attend college not less than three fourths of the working days and complete the course of study prescribed. All Rights Reserved. Powered By Bonifon. Home Admission Admission M Phil. A Tamil Literature B. MA Tamil English M. Com M. Doctoral programmes Ph. Distribution of marks between external and internal assessment is For Theory : 75 For Project : 75 Internal marks for theory shall be allotted as follows:. Average of the best two among the three tests 15 marks Assignments 5 marks Seminar 5 marks Total 25 marks. Project Report 50 marks Viva-voice 50 marks Total marks. Passport Size Photo — 5 5. Stamp Size Photo — 1 6. Community Certificate 1 copy 7. Income Certificate 1 copy 8. Nativity Certificate 1 copy 9. Aadhar Card 1 copy E-mail Address Blood Group Apply Now.
Stamp Size Photo — 1 6. A student must attend college not less than three fourths of the working days and complete the course of study prescribed. Distribution of marks between external and internal assessment is. Kaynaklar Üzerinde Detaylı Bilgi 9. Aydın Menderes Derslikleri.
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